Welcome to CAESAR Systems
CAESAR Systems is currently participating in the following EU co-funded research projects include:
- S-TEN: Intelligent Self-describing Technical and Environmental Networks
- DEPUIS: Design of Environmentally friendly Products Using Information Standards
CAESAR Systems is involved in the development and implementation of the following
International Standards:
- ISO 10303-209: Composite and metallic structural analysis and related design
- ISO 10303-221: Functional data for process plants and their schematic representation
- ISO 15926-2: Lifecycle data for process plants - Data model
- ISO/TS 15926-3: Lifecycle data for process plants - Reference data for geometry and topology
- ISO/TS 15926-4: Lifecycle data for process plants - Initial reference data
- ISO/CD-TS 15927-6: Lifecycle data for process plants - Methodology for the development and validation of reference data
CAESAR Systems Limited
31 Shell Road
Lewisham, London SE13 7DF
For more information, please contact David Leal
(e: david.leal@caesarsystems.co.uk, t: +44 77 0702 6926)
CAESAR Systems Limited
registered in England No. 2422371
registered office: 31 Shell Road, London SE13 7DF
VAT number: UK 548 0510 55